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the country. In the heart of the province of Nuoro, Orgosolo, you could describe it as an open-air museum. It holds the record, in Sardinia for quantity of murals, a modern expression given by the perfect mix of art and culture: they are many and tell the history of their territory but also other events […]


 Un po’ di Storia. A partire dal 1700, Nuoro consolidò un ruolo di riferimento per il territorio sardo. Si sviluppò poi, dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, come centro amministrativo aprendosi all’accoglienza di funzionari piemontesi del Regno di Sardegna e commercianti continentali. L’adozione della riforma agraria (denominata Editto delle chiudende) del 6 ottobre 1820, provocò però dei forti […]

Oristano città

Un po’ di storia Oristano (Aristanis) è la città capoluogo dell’Omonima provincia, situata sulla costa centro-occidentale della Sardegna; Il suo nome sta a indicare la sua privilegiata posizione tra gli stagni, la circondano infatti la Laguna di Santa Giusta e lo stagno di Cabras, è inoltre attraversata dal fiume Tirso che attraversa la Sardegna da […]

Oristano City

A bit of history Oristano (Aristanis) is the capital city of the Homonymous province, located on the central-western coast of Sardinia; Its name indicates its privileged position among the ponds, the surrounding in fact the lagoon of Santa just and the pond of Cabras, is also crossed by the river Tirso that crosses Sardinia from […]


A little history. The Metropolitan city of Cagliari (in Sardinian Casteddu) is an Italian comune of 154 224 inhabitants and capital of the autonomous region of Sardinia. It is a city of ancient origins, has been in the past and is still the historical administrative center of the island. During the Roman period under the […]


[metaslider id=1895]  Il paese. Allai è un piccolo comune dell’Oristanese, a pochi chilometri da Fordongianus che ospita 262 abitanti e racchiude nei suoi 27 km² di estensione un’affascinante storia e tante bellezze naturali tutte da scoprire. Da visitare assolutamente sono le rovine del Ponte Romano (Ponti Ecciu), in trachite rossa, il centro storico, per farsi […]


The village. On the bank of the river I fear little above the hamlet of Bosa Marina, dominated by the Malaspina Castle on the hill of Serravalle, with its colors and its charismatic center, the small town of Bosa does not leave certain disappointed the passersby and guarantees the good living to those who They […]


Rise, the country. Located in the subregion of Mandrolisai, in the province of Nuoro, the town of Arise, has a territory, rich in woods of cork, pasture meadows and springs of water. The city centre extends behind a valley, the Gennargentu Mountains are framed. History. Already inhabited since the nuraghic period, it was later subjected […]


the country. The village of Fordongianus, in the province of Oristano and located on the left bank of the river Tirso, hosts little more than 1000 inhabitants but is distinguished by the characteristics of its territory and historical testimonies. Fordongianus is in fact known for an important archaeological site, a Roman spa complex consisting of […]
