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The country

The village of Siniscola is located at the foot of Mount Albo, a short distance from the east coast of Sardinia. Testimonies of the human presence take us back to the Neolithic period, age in which the finds found in the dunes of Capo Comino, of the nuragic age are instead the various nuraghi that erect in different parts of the territory; Among the best preserved we have the Nuragh Sas Piperas, Nuraghe di Concas, Nuragh sa Punta and SA Thurulia, Nuraghe Gorroppis, Nuraghe sa Gurutta, nuraghe sa white Domo Others are placed in the locality of Berchidda: Nuragh skillful, Nuraghe of Paule ‘ is Luca, Nuraghe Conca and Umosa, Nuraghe Artoo. Fascinating is the cave of Gana is gortoe to which you have access from the town. From the cave you can reach the area of Monte Ibrahim where the Madonna in plaster will show you the best vantage point towards the town.

Spanish tower Santa Lucia SiniscolaSanta Lucia

After the bridge over the Rio Siniscola, following the direction to Orosei, you will find the deviation for Santa Lucia, a small fishermen’s center, fraction of the municipality, which branches around the church and the Spanish Tower (XVII century) built in defense to Saracen raids. The pine forest reaches the sea where the rocks alternate with coves. .

The Nature

Between sea and mountains, beautiful everywhere you look, Siniscola offers lush mountains, rugged limestone reliefs, beautiful beaches and dunes that house twisted junipers. The variety of landscapes guarantees, besides not being victims of boredom, the possibility of carrying out a multitude of activities within a few kilometers.